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Rabbi Abner Weiss Beverly Hills, California
Senior Rabbi, Beth Jacob Congregation of Beverly Hills

Rabbi Abner Weiss is Senior Rabbi of Beth Jacob Congregation of Beverly Hills and a dayyan on the Bet Din of Los Angeles. Ordained by Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh and the Chief Rabbis of Israel, he also holds PhD degrees in Jewish Philosophy and Clinical Psychology. He is a licensed psychotherapist in the state of California. Rabbi Weiss is a dynamic speaker and has lectured throughout the United States, Europe, Africa, Australia, Israel, and the Far East. He is the author of a widely used volume on death and bereavement and has published many articles in scholarly journals. He is a member of Edah’s Advisory Council.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Jewish Medical Ethics
  • Judaism and Psychology
  • Pleasures and Pressures: The Jewish Sex Ethic
  • Maharal of Prague: Of Golems and Geniuses
  • Contemporary Proofs for Life After Death and Reincarnation
  • Personal Renewal Through Kabbalah
  • Kabbalah As a Text for Jewish Psychological Healing
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