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Jack Doueck New york, New York
Principal, Stillwater Capital Partners, Inc.; Author, Speaker, Motivator

Jack Doueck, a principal of Stillwater Capital Partners, LLC, a money management company, has been a featured speaker at investment conferences around the world. The author of “The Hesed Boomerang: How Acts of Kindness Can Enrich Our Lives,” he has volunteered for numerous charitable organizations including The Sephardic Educational Center and the National Children’s Leukemia Foundation. A graduate of Yeshiva University, he has completed course work for a Master’s in Philosophy at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Boomerang Effect of Acts of Kindness
  • Four Dimensions of Man: Achieving Balance in a Hectic Society
  • How to Build a Better World: How to Inspire Volunteers
  • Taking Notice and Taking Action: The Keys to Chesed
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