Focus On...
The Three Weeks
One of the primary categories of holiness in Judaism is holiness in time. This holiness demands that serious attention be paid to the different seasons of the year and their unique nature. Toward this end, we at Edah will highlight some of the items in the modern orthodox library that we feel to be particularly pertinent at a given point in time. In doing so we are not only fostering a greater awareness of the richness of the Jewish calendar but also following in the halakhic tradition of inyani di-yoma - learning those areas of Jewish law related to a given a holiday as that holiday approaches. Beginning on the 17th of Tammuz (July 20th) and culminating on the 9th of Ab (August 10th) is a period known in Jewish legal literature as 'Between the Straits' and popularly as 'the Three Weeks.' It is a time to mourn for both the suffering that the Jewish people have endured throughout the ages and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. It is also a time to reflect on our role in its eventual restoration. Hence, we have selected some texts on certain themes which we hope will stimulate the meaningful contemplation required of us during this period.

Brother Against Brother: Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics from Altalena to the Rabin Assassination , Ehud Sprinzak
Description: Brother Against Brother takes the reader through the critical turning points of Israeli political history, and introduces us to the leaders whose careers were baptized by blood. In a masterful blending of narrative and historical analysis, Sprinzak begins with the Altalena incident of June 1948, the first armed dispute between David Ben- Gurion's Labor-led government and the right-wing paramilitary Irgun organization, led by future prime minister Menachem Begin and concludes with the Rabin assassination in 1995.
Source: Free Press, 1999
Jew vs. Jew: The Struggle for the Soul of American Jewry , Samuel G. Freedman
Description: At a time when American Jews should feel more secure and cohesive than ever, civil war is tearing apart their community. Congregations, neighborhoods, even families are taking sides in battles about Jewish identity and Jewish authenticity. The conflict pits fundamentalist against secularist, denomination against denomination, even liberal against conservative within each branch of Jewry. Jew vs. Jew tells the story of how American Jewry has increasingly -- and perhaps terminally -- broken apart in the last forty years.
Source: Simon & Schuster, 2000
A View from the Fleshpots: Exploratory Remarks on Galut Existence , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Israel as a Religious Reality, ed. C. Waxman, 1994
Modern Look at the Book of Echah , Rabbi Charles H. Sheer
Source: not available
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